Use this page to schedule a call with Jamie Stenhouse.

I’m not planning on wasting your time or trying to hard sell you anything – quite the opposite actually. I’m so confident this free call will help you that I even offer you the following:

My $300 promise.

If after our conversation you don’t know the exact steps to: (1) begin building a virtual that you can trust (2) who doesn't cost a fortune (3) All the systems + protocols + procedures to manage them I’ll send you $300 as compensation for your “time wasted".

450+ users have rated this session as 9.3 stars:

"Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time for being able to do this, this was monumental"

"He'll give you advice on what's best. He's a Magician. I've with Jamie for over a year now"

"Helped me map out the full strategy and put all the pieces of the puzzle together"

"Helping me to create better processes and getting a lot of help with the outreach"

"So much clarity and confidence and he helped me to get focus on what I need to focus on"

"He come sup with really simple solutions to complex problems"

"For teaching me everything I know - Make the opportunity to be able to work with him"

"Working with Jamie for over 2 years. Without his insights into running and managing teams - I Couldn't be where I am today without Jamie"

"He is so genuine and authentic. He pushes my limits in the sense of going towards my goals"

Free case study reveals...

How To Build “Operating Systems” To Scale Your Business, Create Time, Increase Profits, Remove errors, and Work Less.